Subterranean Termite

Subterranean Termites in Subterranean Termites are the most pervasive and disastrous termite species in the nation. Of this group, the most common wood-destroying subspecies include the eastern subterranean, the western subterranean, and the Formosan subterranean termite. What attracts termites to wood is the element of cellulose, which is a structural component in the cells of […]
Eastern Subterranean Termite

Eastern Subterranean Termites in The most pervasive termite in North America is the eastern subterranean termite. Its large distribution throughout the United States makes this termite the most damaging species in the country, both financially and structurally. The main component of a termite’s diet is cellulose, which is the primary structural component of a plant […]
Wolf Spider

Wolf Spiders in Since Wolf Spiders do not build webs to capture prey, they are active hunters throughout the day and night. The vision of a Wolf Spider is impressive at night as it maximizes its vision with the use of reflection. The reflective capabilities could be observed if you happened to shine a flashlight […]
Orb-Weaver Spider

Orb-Weavers Spiders in Also known as a garden spider, the orb-weaver spiders are non-aggressive spiders that can be found in gardens, fields, and wooded areas. These spiders are found throughout the world (minus the Arctic regions) and are commonly known in cultures for their large, circle-shaped webs. These spiders are easy to see with their […]
Yellow Garden Spider

Yellow Garden Spiders in In order to avoid exposure to the wind, yellow garden spiders will spin their webs near plants in open sunny areas so maximize sun exposure and concealment from the wind. The zig-zac X-shape of the spider’s web is called a “stabilimentum,” and is known to eat and respin its web each […]
Giant House Spider

Giant House Spiders in The giant house spider was originally thought to be venomous, but after research, it was discovered that they have little to no venom. The giant house spider is usually found in the corners of dark rooms, barns, storage sheds, fences, bridges, and other structures. Their funnel web is constructed in corners […]
House Spider

House Spiders in The most commonly seen spider in North America is known as the common or domestic house spider. The spider is frequently encountered indoors and is considered a nuisance pest primarily due to its webs. The crisscrossing strands of sticky and silky webbing are referred to as a cobweb and they are usually […]
Brown Widow Spider

Brown Widow Spiders in The brown widow spider came to the U.S. through the state of Florida in the 1990s. They are also known as cobweb spiders because of their irregular webs. The brown widow is similar to the black widow spider, but the hourglass of the black widow is bright red while the brown […]
Black Widow Spider

Black Widow Spiders in The brown widow spider came to the U.S. through the state of Florida in the 1990s. They are also known as cobweb spiders because of their irregular webs. The brown widow is similar to the black widow spider, but the hourglass of the black widow is bright red while the brown […]