Nettle Caterpillar

Nettle Caterpillars in Nettle Caterpillars are an invasive species in Hawaii, which means that if you find them on your property they should be eliminated. However, don’t try to eliminate them yourself as they will sting you, and their stings cause a very painful itching and burning sensation. There are no benefits to nettle caterpillars, […]
Lesser Brown Scorpion

Lesser Brown Scorpion in Lesser brown scorpions are not native to the islands. Thought to originate in Africa, lesser brown scorpions were introduced as pets and have since become common. Even though they’re desert creatures, lesser brown scorpions are well suited to our tropical climate, lesser brown scorpions spend the day in hiding and emerge […]
Crab Spider

Crab Spiders in There are two types of crab spiders commonly found here on the islands and they can be difficult to tell apart. One crab spider is white with black spots and red spines; the other more common type is yellow-brown with two distinct white speckles on its back. Crab spider populations ramp up […]
Cane Spider

Cane Spiders in Cane Spiders are the largest spider species found in Hawaii and they go by many alternate names including banana spider, giant crab spider, and brown huntsman. With their impressive size, startlingly fast speed, and impressive jumping ability, they can seem quite frightening – especially if you already have a healthy case of […]
Brown Violin Spider

Brown Violin Spiders in Brown violin spiders, also known as brown recluse spiders, are a distinctive arachnid species found in . While their name may sound ominous, it’s important to understand their habits and behaviors for coexistence. Recognized by their violin-shaped markings on the cephalothorax, these spiders play a role in managing local insect populations. […]
Dampwood Termite

Dampwood Termites in When observing different types of termites, the dampwood termite is a much larger termite species that is attracted to moist wood. While other moisture-loving termites live and work in different environments, the dampwood termite does not construct mud tubes like other termites and they are capable of living within the wood they […]
Drywood Termite

Drywood Termites in When compared to the subterranean termite, the drywood termite does not cause as much damage. The colonies of the drywood termite are usually discovered in dry wood, and signs of an infestation may include, feces, discarded wings, swarms, or piles of sawdust they created called “frass.” Wood contains a compound called cellulose, […]
Arboreal Termite

Arboreal Termites in Arboreal termites usually nest in trees but are known to also create nests in structures made of metal or concrete. They are the most abundant termite species in tropical climates. Arboreal termites are similar to subterranean termites as they can have colonies with millions of insects. The material they consume includes cellulose, […]
Formosan Termite

Formosan Termites in The most destructive and aggressive termite in is the subterranean termite called the Formosan termite. The Formosan subterranean termite is known to have massive populations in the soil that colonize in interconnected galleries. Through mud tubes from the soil in the ground, the termite will directly invade structures through self-made tunnels. Entry […]