Yellow Garden Spider spinning web in the garden - keep your garden clear of spiders with Kona Coast Pest Control in Kailua Kona

Yellow Garden Spider

Actual Size: ¾ to 1.1”

Characteristics: The female yellow garden spider exhibits a black upper abdomen adorned with symmetrical patches of vibrant yellow. In contrast, males are smaller, featuring brownish legs and less pronounced yellow coloring on their abdomens.

Legs: 8

Habitat: Like their name, these spiders are often found in gardens and on houses and buildings that are exposed to the sun and minimal wind. Other places to live include open fields with high brush and vegetation.


  • The yellow garden spider generates venom that poses no harm to humans.
  • Females display vibrant colors and are three times larger than their male counterparts.
  • These spiders contribute positively to the ecosystem by aiding in the protection of landscape and garden plants rather than posing any harm.

Yellow Garden Spiders in Kailua Kona

In order to avoid exposure to the wind, yellow garden spiders will spin their webs near plants in open sunny areas so maximize sun exposure and concealment from the wind. The zig-zac X-shape of the spider’s web is called a “stabilimentum,” and is known to eat and respin its web each night. Whatever the garden spider catches in its web is what it will consume.

Yellow Garden Spider Habitat

It is not uncommon to find the Yellow Garden Spider in spaces where human’s frequent, such as farms, gardens, and roadsides. They also prefer to live near bodies of water, wooded areas, and grassy plains. On the home, the spider usually will be located near the eaves or in tall vegetations since a web is easy to stretch in these places.

Yellow Garden Spider Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Despite their striking appearance, yellow garden spiders are relatively harmless and tend to flee rather than confront disturbances. Their venom is harmless to humans but aids in immobilizing prey, including flies, bees, and other flying insects ensnared in their webs. As carnivores feeding primarily on insects, these spiders contribute positively to the ecosystem, benefiting landscape and garden plants.

If you are dealing with excess yellow garden spiders, contact your local spider exterminators.