Clothes Moth

Clothes Moths in Clothes moths are small, inconspicuous insects with a wingspan of about half an inch. They are often golden in color and their larvae are creamy-white caterpillars. Despite their unassuming appearance, these moths are notorious for the damage they can cause to fabrics, particularly wool, silk, and other natural fibers. The adult moths […]
Camel Cricket

Camel Crickets in Camel crickets are distinctive insects with a unique appearance. Unlike typical crickets, they lack wings and the ability to produce sound. Characterized by their humpbacked appearance, long hind legs, and lengthy antennae, camel crickets often resemble small spiders. They are often called “land shrimp” or “cave crickets” due to their distinctive appearance […]
House Fly

House Flies in Found on every continent except Antarctica, the house fly is one of the world’s most well-known insects. During the warmer summer months, these flies are most abundant and typically reside close to humans and animals. These flies breed in animal wastes and decaying organic materials, including animal carcasses and food waste, where […]
Horse Fly

Horse Flies in Horse flies, known for their considerable size and weight, are incessant pests affecting wildlife, livestock, and humans. Their blood-sucking behavior gives rise to concerns about the potential transmission of disease agents. These insects are infamous for targeting a variety of mammals, including horses, mules, cattle, hogs, dogs, and humans. Horse flies can […]

Whiteflies in Whiteflies are tiny insects that feed on plant sap and take flight when the plants are disturbed. Despite their name, they are not true flies but are more closely related to scales, mealybugs, and aphids. The adult whiteflies get their name from the mealy white wax covering their wings and body. Although these […]
Gnat / Midge (non-biting)

Gnats in Gnats, also known as midges, are small non-biting insects that are widespread throughout the United States. Typically breeding in aquatic environments, these flies can emerge in significant numbers. The species that affect homes and buildings are mostly nocturnal fliers attracted to building lights. People may find their presence bothersome, mistakenly thinking they are […]
Garbage Fly

Garbage Flies in Garbage flies, also known as house flies, are easily distinguished by the four elongated stripes on their midsection. These flies lack the ability to bite and have a mouth more suited for sponging up liquid food. Typically, female flies are larger than males and display a visibly wider distance between their red-colored […]
Fungus Gnat

Fungus Gnats in Fungus gnats are small insects with a delicate appearance, long wings, and spindly legs. They can occasionally become a nuisance in both residential and commercial buildings. This is particularly evident in environments where ferns and other house plants with organic-rich soil serve as breeding grounds. The larvae of these insects primarily feed […]
Blow Fly

Blow Flies in One of the most common flies found near dead animals, blow flies thrive in highly unsanitary habitats and can serve as potential carriers of disease pathogens like dysentery. Distinguished by their vivid metallic appearance, these flies are abundant in areas near recycling centers, garbage dumps, slaughterhouses, and meat processing plants, including commercial, […]