Roof Rat

Roof Rats in Roof rats are a significant pest problem in the Southeast and the West Coast states of Oregon, Washington, and California. Like many other rodents, roof rats are commensal and rely on human habitats for food, shelter, and survival. When these rodents invade homes, they prefer living up high, typically nesting in attics, […]
Pack Rat

Pack Rats in Pack rats, known for their solitary and nocturnal nature, are found throughout most of North America, particularly in the deserts and highlands of the western United States. They are often attracted to shiny items they find interesting. When encountering objects like bullet casings, coins, soda can tabs, or jewelry, pack rats carry […]
Norway Rat

Norway Rats in Norway rats have stocky, heavy bodies; compared to their cousins, the roof rat and black rat, they are bigger and more aggressive. They can be found throughout the United States and are known as commensal rodents, meaning they live near and depend on humans for survival. The Norway rat has a diverse […]
Deer Mouse

Deer Mice in Deer mice, commonly known as field mice or white-footed mice, are found in most regions across North America, including woodlands and desert areas. Although they prefer living outdoors in rural areas, they can also occasionally be found in homes. They are a common pest in agricultural areas but may seek shelter in […]
House Mouse

House Mice in The house mouse is the most common rodent pest found in homes across the United States. They are commensal rodents, meaning they are typically found living in close proximity to humans, relying on human habitats for both shelter and food. Thriving and active year-round, house mice can be found in homes, commercial […]
Meadow Vole

Meadow Voles in The meadow vole, commonly known as the “meadow mouse” or “field mouse,” is widely spread across North America. They look similar to rats and mice but have shorter tails and thick, cylindrical bodies. Meadow voles are not typically found in homes or structures as they are poor climbers, preferring to spend their […]
Sawtoothed Grain Beetle

Sawtoothed Grain Beetles in Certain insects are attracted to stored products in homes, grocery stores, food houses, or grain storage facilities. The sawtoothed grain beetle is one of these insects that invade foods through the cracks and crevices of defective sealed containers. These foods usually consist of grains, flour, sugar, nuts, and other plant-based dry […]
Rice Weevil

Rice Weevils in Found all across the globe, the rice weevil is a stored-grain insect that lives, feeds, and breeds inside food products. In the United States, the rice weevil is most common in southern states. Nicknamed “flour bugs,” the rice weevils feed on flour, rice, beans, nuts, cereals, seeds, and macaroni. The snout-nosed adults […]
Red Flour Beetle

Red Flour Beetles in Flour beetles received their name for their reputation of infesting flour and grain-based products. Of all the variations of flour beetle, the most pervasive and destructive are the red flour beetle and the confused flour beetle. These two beetles infest stored grain products like flour, spices, cake mix, cereals, pasta, and […]